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Carpet Cleaning – Different Types of Stains and Simple ways to Remove it

Different Types of Stains and Simple ways to Remove from carpet

You can find yourself accumulating carpet stain removers, estimating how many hours you’ll commit to carpet cleaning, or attempting to figure out how to get stains out when you install carpet. Even if there are no children or pets in the house, there will be at least one spill or smudge. Regardless of the spill, the procedure for removing carpet stains is essentially the same. It’s thankfully simple! Without a professional carpet steam cleaning, simply follow the three simple methods outlined below and your carpet will be as good as new. 

How to Remove Stains from Carpet?

You tried so hard to urge guests to take off their shoes and stay away from your carpeted rooms. Then something happened. At Thanksgiving, there’s the coffee spill or the flying gravy boat. You switch to stain removal mode and look for the most effective carpet stain remover.

You might discover that water is the greatest carpet cleaning option before reaching for the nearest bottle of cleaning solution. Blot the stain using a clean, slightly damp white cloth rather than rubbing it.

If regular water fails, try a carpet stain remover or a do-it-yourself option. The finest carpet stain remover will be specific to the stain’s cause. 

Step 1: Get rid of the excess as soon as possible.

Scrape off any excess solid as quickly as possible using a spoon or butter knife to prevent your cleanable spill from becoming a permanent stain. To prevent the stain from spreading, gently blot away extra liquid with a clean, white, absorbent cloth, working from the outside border of the stain into the center.

Step 2: Use a stain remover on the carpet

Use a carpet stain remover to get rid of any leftover stains. For application, follow the manufacturer’s directions. You can also use a vinegar solution to clean the carpet. To make a homemade carpet stain remover, mix 1 teaspoon mild dishwashing liquid with 1-quart warm water and 1/4 teaspoon white vinegar, then apply to the stain on the carpet. Take care not to over-wet the stain, which might harm the backing, regardless of the carpet cleaning solution you use. Allow for a 10-minute rest period. 

Step 3: Remove the stain using a blotting motion

Blot from the outside in with a clean, white, absorbent cloth. Rep the process until the stain is no longer visible on the material. Blot dry after rinsing with cold water. Try this method for thorough drying: Using a 1/2-inch thick layer of cloth or paper towels, cover the damp area. Replace the paper towels and weigh them down with a heavy item until they are completely dry.

The Most Common Carpet Stains and How to Remove Them

Every Stain has a different solution. Try these remedies for common carpet stains.

Wine or Soft drink:

Start by spritzing with club soda if you’ve spilled red wine, white wine, grape juice, or any colorful beverage. Using a clean microfiber cloth, blot the area. Rep until the stain is no longer visible. 


Scrape away as much chocolate as you can with a dull knife. If the chocolate is melted, pour ice cubes into a resealable plastic bag and set it over the stain to firm it before scraping. To remove any stray flakes or particles, vacuum the area. Mix 1/4 teaspoon liquid dish soap with one cup of warm water, then apply the solution to the stain with a clean cloth, moving from the outside toward the center. Allow the solution to sit for at least five minutes before blotting the stain away. 

Candle Wax:

Rub the wax with an ice pack until it hardens. Break up the wax with your fingers, then vacuum it up. Following the manufacturer’s directions, clean the spot with a dry-solvent carpet cleaner and blot it dry. Blot dry the area after dabbing it with a warm, moist cloth. 

Coffee or Tea:

1 tablespoon dish soap + 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide After blotting the spill, apply the solution. Allow a few seconds for the solution to soak in before gently working it in with your fingers. Remove the stain by rinsing it with water, blotting it, and repeating the process until the stain is gone.


Blot with a clean cloth after applying cold water or club soda. Rep until the stain is no longer visible.

Urine from pets:

Use an enzymatic cleaner, which may be found in pet supply stores, co-ops, and other natural stores.


Every Carpet stain is a different problem and asks for a relevant solution to get away from it. There are multiple activities and materials available around us which can probably cause the stain on the carpet and we can’t avoid it often, what we can do is apply the cleaning methods to get away with this. The most preferred and advised option is to call the experts who can increase the life of your carpets and give you professional care for your carpets.

To know more about how a professional carpet cleaning service can get you out of this hurdle, connect with us and get your quote now.

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