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5 Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes Pet Owners Must Avoid

Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes Pet Owners Must Avoid

Having a pet is always a wonderful idea because they reduce stress and make you joyful all the time. As a result, there are roughly two in five dog-owning families and almost three in ten cat-owning families in Australia.

However, the largest disadvantage of owning a pet is how difficult it is to keep the surfaces in the house clean, especially the carpets. It gathers pet hair and mishaps from pets that are challenging to clean up.

You must complete this work right away, though, since the hair, dust, and allergens that become lodged in the fibers can result in respiratory infections and other health problems. As a result, you should maintain a clean carpet. How frequently should carpets be cleaned in a home with dogs, though? Well, that totally depends on the kind and number of pets you have.

At the end of the lease, carpets with pet hair on them may give rise to litigation. Hire experts who provide Sydney’s best carpet cleaner for pets before you go. They are skilled in thoroughly cleaning any kind of carpet or rug without causing any harm to it. You need some direction if you want to clean the carpet on your own.

Here is a cleaning schedule for carpets with pets for pet owners.

How Often Should Pet Owners Clean Their Carpets?

How frequently pet owners should clean their carpet is one of the most frequent problems they encounter. The type and quantity of dogs you have a complete impact on how frequently you vacuum the carpet.

A person who owns two German Shepherds or two Golden Retrievers, for example, needs to vacuum the carpet more frequently than someone who only has a cat or one Labrador. The following methods can be used to clean your carpet.

Clean it Twice a Week:

Ideally, you want to clean your soiled carpet twice each week. The majority of owners with one dog typically clean their carpet once every three to four days.

Clean Every Other Day:

If you have multiple dogs or other large-furred pets, you may need to clean it every other day.

Hire Carpet Cleaning Experts near you: If your schedule is hectic, enlist the assistance of specialists who provide complete Carpet Cleaning service in Sydney. They are experts in thoroughly cleaning carpets. To guarantee that your carpets remain immaculately clean, you can hire them every two weeks.

When it comes to pet owners who also have High-Value Carpets in their home, mostly make some common mistakes which actually they should avoid for the long life of their carpets. Let’s take a look at such common mistakes.

5 Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes Pet Owners Should Get Rid off

1. Not Removing Stains Right Away

This fundamental error has the potential to lead to a lot of issues later. It’s simple to become preoccupied with finishing what you were doing rather than cleaning up the mess. Another typical justification is that you made the decision to tidy everything up later while rushing out the door for a commitment. Big error. The general rule is that cleaning up a mess becomes more difficult the longer it remains there. Additionally, if it remains unattended for a long enough period of time, it can become impossible to clean and keep releasing foul aromas into the house, leaving you with no choice but to replace the carpet.

When you realize that, doesn’t it seem preferable to spend the extra five minutes immediately cleaning up the mess rather than having to replace your carpet?

2. Cleaning Up The Mess Using Rags Or Paper Towels

We all engage in this to some extent. It certainly seems to be the proper course of action. The majority of people don’t realize that this can really do the reverse of what you want by pushing the filth deeper into the carpet. Not forcing it in is the intention here; removal is. What then should a pet owner do? The carpet should be gently scraped off using a putty knife from your neighborhood hardware shop (they’re cheap!). You can also use a dustpan designed specifically for this purpose. When you use these tools instead of rags or paper towels, you’ll be astonished to see less of it remain!

3. Failing To Remove The Urine Initially

If the stain is caused by urine, you must remove it from the carpet before cleaning it. If not, your cleaning solution will have too much to deal with and you will merely end up spreading it even further or, worse, leaving it behind. You want to extract as much as you can from the carpet because it is so absorbent. If you’re on a limited budget, you can lay out some paper towels and gently blot, even though a handheld extractor will get the greatest results (see this set that includes cleaning products). Using paper towels in this situation is acceptable because pee isn’t a solid substance that needs to be smeared into the carpet fibers.

4. Scrubbing The Rug

Please don’t scrub your carpets. We draw attention to this for the same reason that we suggest against using rags or paper towels to clean up pet messes. All it will accomplish is push the stuff deeper into your carpet, maybe into your padding, and possibly even into your subflooring, which is far more difficult to clean. In essence, it will exacerbate the situation. Use paper towels and BLOT softly if you’re merely dealing with urine. The crucial word here is gentle. No matter how angry you are, don’t stomp or scrub!

5. Not Cleaning The Entire Stain-Related Area

Remember that carpets are incredibly absorbent? So, despite what you may have heard, the liquid has extended further than what is visible on the surface. As a result, the area that needs treatment with a solution is considerably larger than what is immediately visible! Therefore, when you’re cleaning, be sure to cover a larger area around the stain to make sure you’ve covered it all. By doing this, you prevent it from settling and producing those awful odors later.

Frequently Asked Questions for Pet Odors and Carpet Cleaning

1. How Do You Keep Your Carpet Clean if You Have Pets?

If you have pets at your home, you must take care of below listed things about your home and carpets:

  • Buy carpet that won’t stain.
  • Cleaning up pet poop.
  • Maintain the Nails on Your Pet.
  • Use a tile or hardwood entrance.
  • Twice a week, vacuum.
  • At least once a month, steam clean.
  • Regularly use professional carpet cleaners

2. Can Pet Stains Be Removed By Professional Carpet Cleaning?

Animal odors and the scent of a dog that hasn’t had a wash in too long can frequently be eliminated by professional carpet shampooing. A dog or cat may have just tracked fresh feces across the carpet, which may be removed along with the odor-causing substances by washing or steam cleaning the carpet.

3. How Can Pet Odour Be Removed From Carpet?

Use a cleaning brush to evenly distribute and work baking soda into the fabric of carpets, rugs, and couches. In order for the baking soda to best absorb the odors, leave it for a few hours or, if feasible, overnight. then do a thorough vacuum.


You no longer need to worry about smelly pets or pee in your home because you have the skills and expertise to handle those issues (unless your pets require a bath, in which case there is truly only one solution). In addition to making your home smell great, doing this will help your carpets last longer and cost you less money in the long term. If you think you can’t handle this on your own, feel free to connect with us at info@dirt2neat.com.au or schedule your carpet cleaning appointment now..!

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